Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Strategic HRM and Competitive Advantage

How is SHRM effecting on the company’s competitive advantage? Philip Kotler defines the competitive advantage as “An advantage over competitors gained by offering greater customer value, either by having lower prices or providing more benefits that justify higher prices” (Kotler. P & Armstrong G. 2011). The competitive advantage always has to be unique which impossible to duplicate and It is differentiating the company form their competitors.  therefore, the sustainability of competitive advantage is very important to compete effectively and to survive in the market. 

Furthermore, the competitive advantage will determine, by the organizational capabilities which can be divided as distinctive capabilities and reproducible capabilities. distinctive capabilities defined as unique characteristics; the organization has which is hard to duplicate. Technology, innovation, marketing, quality, are some example of distinctive capabilities. If the organization is aware of their distinctive capabilities, it can develop as a competitive advantage. Most of the distinctive capabilities are combined with humans, such as Knowledge, experience, expertise, skills and the level of commitments. (Armstrong M. 2006)

Reference :
  • Armstrong, M.(2006) Strategic human resource management: a guide to action.3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
  • Kotler,P., and Armstrong, G.(2011) Principles of marketing.14th ed. New Jersey, Pearson.

Human Recourse Management & Strategic Human Recourse Management

There are different interpretations has given for Human resource and human resource management by several people. As stated in Human resource management – Theory and practice, Human resource management (HRM) is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people’s capabilities is critical to achieving a competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programmes and practices. (Bratton, J., and Gold,J, 2009, p7)

Models of HRM

As stated in Strategic human resource management: a guide to action, Michigan School made the first clear statement for HRM as below, Furthermore, they stated HR system and the structure of the organization should be managed equally with organizational strategies. As  exhibit in the below image, there are four common generic functions can be seen in any organization. (Armstrong, M. 2006)

  • Selection
  • Appraisal
  • Rewards
  • Development 


           Source: Strategic Human resource management - A guide to action (2006) 

What are the Aims of HRM

The main objective of the HRM department is to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the organization. Aims of the HRM can be summarized as below, (Armstrong, M. 2006)

  • Organizational effectiveness - Improving Organizational Performance
  • Human capital - Developing skills and capabilities of employees.
  • Knowledge management: process practising of creating, acquiring, capturing, sharing & using knowledge.
  • Reward management: Increasing motivation, job engagement and commitment.
  • Employee relations: Maintaining relationship and strong communication between          employer and employee.
  • Meet diverse needs :  Balancing & Managing stakeholders.

Due to the high competition, organizations are finding ways to provide superiority of experience for their customers.  Therefore, companies are seeking professionals who can contribute their skills and knowledge to approach organizational goals.  recruiting and selection decisions are important for organization and human resource management department will be the key department of in any organization that initiating the recruiting process and letting the right persons in, for the right position. By hiring knowledgeable and skilled workers will enable the organization to,(Armstrong, M. 2006)

01. Carry out organizations high level, competitive advantaged.

02. It will help to the growth of the organization and increase the market share 

03. Innovation and differentiation.

04. Identifying and seizing the advantages of market changes.

In order to compete effectively in the market, organizations are expanding and diversifying their product range and services into new territories. Furthermore, globalization has revolutionized the business world, and have created new trends. Therefore, it is essential to develop a well-organized and modernized HRM system which can align with organizational goals and strategies.  According to Michael Armstrong, Strategic HRM is an approach that defines how the organization’s goals will be achieved through people by means of HR strategies and integrated HR policies and practices. Strategic HRM can be regarded as a mindset underpinned by certain concepts rather than a set of techniques. It provides the foundation for strategic reviews in which analyses of the organizational context and existing HR practices lead to choices on strategic plans for the development of overall or specific HR strategies. (Armstrong, M 2010, p. 37)
Aims of the Strategic HRM can be summarized as below,
  • Generating Organizational Capabilities & Skills.
  • Integration the alignment of HR strategies with business strategies.
  • Setting Direction.
  • Contributing while implementing business strategies. 
SHRM will always align with organizational objective and direction and creates a link between the organization’s future plans and employees.  moreover, SHRM help to identify the strength, capabilities and weakness of employees in order to fulfil the goals of the organization. Besides strategic planning, effective SHRM will involve with Monitoring of internal and external environment, Progress monitoring, integration of budget and profit.(Armstrong, M 2010)

Reference :
  • Armstrong, M.(2006) Strategic human resource management: a guide to action.3rd ed. London, Kogan Page.
  • Armstrong, M. (2010) Armstrong’s essential human resource management practice: a guide to people management. London, Kogan Page.
  • Bratton, J., and Gold,J. (2009) Human resource management – Theory and Practice.4th ed. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.


Gaining Competitive advantage or being unique from competitors with providing superiority product and services for customers will help o...